Voluntary projects

Unearthing Common Ground 🔗 Cohort #01 est. Spring 2023 Design of a six-week learning journey with the Center for CLT Innovation to teach community land trusts around the world about emerging tools for distributed finance and governance as well as linking web3 participants to real world projects.
The Commons Credit Working Group 🔗 Research Team (Dec 2023- ) Working with ReCommon Foundation to design the methodology for quantifying, and allowing for the sale of, certified impact created by placing land into effective local stewardship organisations.
People’s Land Bank 🔗 Core Team (Nov 2021- ) Creating the UK’s first tokenised stewardship entity within the 2,200-home Salt Cross Garden Village
Who Owns Oxford? 🔗 Coordinator, (2020- ) Leading a group of local citizens to map and tell stories of ownership